So 2013 is obviously not the year for the blog. It's ok! I think the blog understands. 

Sometimes things in life just get like this.... 

....and if you tried to add one more thing like blogging, things could get out of hand. 

(As a side note, I want to meet the man that figured out how to tie all those tires in that truck. I feel like he would be the kind of guy who would be good at figuring out a rubix cube, and those people intrigue me.)

Anyways, I decided on Tuesday that I was going have a goal this month of posting every day in May. 

There is nothing I like more than to make goals I could never possible achieve. 

I do think the theme is catchy so maybe there is some hope. However, I did forget about the whole thing until about an 10pm last night and now it's May 2nd, so things are already starting out kind of dicey. 

But it's ok, we're going for it!

I decided I'd begin with a catch-up of sorts, compliments of all the random, blurry pictures on my iPhone. 

When we last met, I had just had my appendix out. I am all healed up now and have successfully started my life appendix-free. Life feels about the same, except I now have significantly less money.

Soon after my surgery, I hit the road for a weekend in Columbus. I sponsored my sister-in-law on a retreat called Walk to Emmaus, and went up on Thursday to see her off. There should be laws against one couple having so much cuteness.

Since I would also be picking her back up on Sunday, I ended up just staying in Columbus and had the absolute sweetest weekend with my brother. It was so fun for us to have a brother/sister weekend just the two of us. 

It actually is one of my favorite weekends of all time for so many reasons, including the fact that he likes to make midnight runs to the grocery store for brownies. 

That's what I like about being a Tyson! 

On the way home from Columbus, I came up on a license check. The officer looked at mine for a long time, and I figured he was just thinking GOOD GRIEF THAT IS AN UGLY PICTURE. I placed no blame on him for his valid feelings and waited patiently. 

But, it turns out he was looking at the expiration date and reminded me that it was about expire. Hallelujah! I have waited so long for this day.  I don't know how Honey Boo Boo's mom got pictured on my license, but I was glad to see her go.

The second exciting thing to happen that week (besides redemption at the DMV) was the birth of Baby Daniel! Mer and Russell welcomed this handsome guy into the world, and I went to visit with Josh, Kimberly, and Daniel's girlfriend, Sophie. 

March 20 brought the first day of Spring and then this happened. 

Our office has a thing for birthdays. It has gotten quite out of hand actually, but who can resist a celebration? Not us, that's who. This next picture was hanging on my door and will keep me laughing all the way to 30.

I had a great 29th with my great people. 

(Night before dinner with Al and Deb, the one's who started it all)

(Birthday lunch date with these goons)

Later that month Kimberly and I joined new mama Meredith and our dear friends Brittany and Melinda for a girls night. Then we went back to her house and Daniel and Sophie flirted. 

Daniel says, "Hey girl hey."

I know, I know. Cutest baby you've ever seen.

Daniel says, "Mama, you are pretty."

Are y'all snap chatting? This is how my account looks all the time:

Marlee is my snap chat bff and we send eachother the MOST attractive pictures you could ever imagine.

At the end of March, I was out at Marsha's and sent Marlee (who was due to come home the next day) this picture.

Phoebe was especially excited. 

Turns out I was about to get even more excited because Marlee popped into the house about an hour later! Surprise!

Phoebe, still excited.

Easter came and brought with it happy faces.

April brought Larsen's birthday! I sent her this card, obviously. 

April 6th was a full day. It started working an Open House at GSU with these fun people. 

I talked about 10 high school seniors into GSU before rushing off to help Marsha take pictures at the most beautiful wedding. The day was perfect. I don't have any pictures on the iPhone to prove it, but it was such a fun day. I even found a familiar face on the dance floor. 

After weddings, we are literally delirious and so exhausted. And because by the end of it we have barely eaten anything, I channel what energy I have left to eat every single food item I can find. 

Wedding TRAVESTY: I did not get a piece of wedding cake. Saving grace: Marsha had cupcakes at the house. After downing a #1 Combo from Wendy's at 11pm, I ate one of the cupcakes and the icing off of another. I will always remember the experience fondly. 

The weekend after the wedding I met Marsha and Marlee at Fripp Island! The mother of the bride graciously offered us a chance to stay in their beach house as a thanks for taking pictures. We are only photographing her children's weddings from now on. 

Marsha snap chatted me this picture of myself once I got there. 

We had a nice relaxing time doing nothing, riding the golf cart around the island, soaking up some beach time, and eating. What I have just described are the pillars of maintaining a happy life. We realized we were pretty much created to live at Fripp.

Back in the real world, people kept getting older. Our co-worker Jay had a birthday. We faked him out and pretended all we did was get him a stale muffin and a re-used balloon.

You wish, buddy!

We have problems. 

Other fun work activities have included things like going to student Research Symposiums and hearing about a bunch of really smart stuff that sounds like this to me..."ajkdf aduaoij jadougoa haoyud anhafj."

But it's not all serious business at the Symposium. After Calib explained his very impressive project to us, we talked him into telling our other co-worker that his whole project was on the study of dragon eggs.

I know we make GSU so proud to have us on staff.

In other news, I went on a fun Women's Retreat a couple weekends ago. Marsha led it and it was really amazing.

We came back from it on Saturday because Jake grew up on us and went to Prom. It was equal parts adorable and disturbing.

Later that week I set out on a quest for new tennis and found that a gang of highlighters had attacked pretty much every shoe in every store in this town.  

Thankfully I found some that did not glow in the dark. And since I had not bough new tennis shoes since the 8th grade, my feet are especially happy. I try not to buy more than one pair over the course of a 16 year period.

Marsha Hagan Photography has kept me busy these last weeks, mostly with senior pictures.....but we've also managed to find random situations to get ourselves into. Never a dull moment.

I have also been enjoying lots of weekly lunches with my mama recently!

And I just need y'all to know that sometimes bad selfies happen to good people.

Marsha talked me into buying this sporty little jacket, so I had to take a picture of it in action to send her. I felt so professional that I did not talk anyone into pretending to research dragon eggs that day.

I wore the business casual look to eat lunch with these sweet girls that same day. At the end of last year, we got a little Bible study group up and I have enjoyed these ladies SO much.

And that brings us to last weekend! I had the great honor of joining Kimberly, Josh, Sophie and their family at the March of Dimes (March for Babies).

We walked for Graham and Lilly, their sweet twins, who were born too soon in January of 2011. Now their little miracle sister, and my current obsession, gets to join in!

After the walk, I came home and then attended a bridal shower for this sweet girl! Katie is marrying Paty in June and all the Tysons are pumped. It was so good to see this girl and catch up!

So I think that is just about everything. Thanks for hanging in there!


View comments

  1. I LOVE this post!! The honey-boo-mama comment made me laugh out loud.

    I'll settle for once a week blogging...if the every day doesn't work out. Just happy to see a post from you!

    Love you!

  2. JennaBabe, I haven't checked on your blog since you took your blogging hiatus and now see you had surgery! So sorry but I see you were up and doing good so quickly! You are looking so cute as usual and I just had a huge laugh as you compared your driver's license picture to Honey Boo Boo's Mom!! Oh my! You are priceless!! Mine looks like a woman who been incarcerated for 20years to life for beating small animals! Can't they get Glamour Shots to come in and make those pictures or what?

  3. You seriously make me laugh so much! I am completely perplexed by how that man got so many tires in that truck...

  4. Loved this post...Daniel looks very sweet..hilarious post was the Honey Boo Boo's Mom...



So 2013 is obviously not the year for the blog. It's ok! I think the blog understands. 

Sometimes things in life just get like this.... 

....and if you tried to add one more thing like blogging, things could get out of hand.


On Friday morning I had my follow-up appointment with my surgeon. I really liked this doctor for reasons not limited to the fact that his first name was Jean-Claude.

I had this idea recently that I should start a blog.

Then, somewhere in the back of my mind, I had this faint memory of already having done that once before.

Guys - what in the world? I guess I took a blog break?!

Things have been pretty run-of-the-mill around here, really.


Despite what this blog might show, our beloved Eagles are still going strong! I think I failed to post Daddy's videos for the past couple of weeks. THE SHAME. I will likely go back and post all the week's videos that I missed, but like our men in blue - I am forging ahead.

My trip to Athens last month did nothing but make me crave more time in The Classic City. November's visit was all about this...

But last weekend's trip was for an entirely different purpose. I handed in my blue and white pom poms for these babies...

Once upon a Thanksgiving Break, a little girl came home from college.

She was cute.

But also sexy.

During the break, her family and friends did their best to keep her entertained. But even still, sometimes she found herself bored and not knowing what fun thing to do next.

She was confused.

Even though Thanksgiving was over on Thursday, there was one more little turkey coming to town on Saturday.


We had a great Thanksgiving!

It turns out that my boss is really into letting us off early from time to time, and she really enjoys doing so on the day before holidays.

If you watched my dad's video from last week, you know that the Eagles (and subsequently the Tysons) went on a little road trip this past Saturday!

Every four years, our Eagles take on the Dawgs at Sanford Stadium.

8 years ago, I cheered on the Eagles as young and spry college student at GSU.


Not much time to chat...we're Athens bound!



It is almost time for another Saturday at Paulson, but I need to share the joys and trials of last week!

Right before the BIG App State game started this past Saturday, a fellow fan who sits next to us in the stands asked my dad how he was feeling.

There's a little game going on tomorrow. The fists of those with blue blood clinch instantly at the mention of it.

App State is rolling into town. We aren't keen on App State, I will go ahead and tell you. Generally speaking, I am sweet person. Agreeable. Unoffensive. A peacemaker, even.


Big Al isn't quite sure of the point he is trying to make in this week's commercial, but I the point I'm trying to make is it's another great day for Eagle football, another great day for a win, and another great day in which to excel!


It was a busy week around here and we took it upon ourselves book-end it with an equally busy weekend.


Headed out the door to cheer on those Eagles! Gonna be a good one!


Saturday = Another day at Paulson.

Saturday = Another day cheering on those Eagles.

Saturday = Another day to eat more food in one sitting than some would think humanly possible.

Saturday = Another day watching them throw that tater ball.

Saturday = Another day in which to excel.

We are just a couple days away from another GSU home game, which is hard to believe since we are still coming off the fun of last week's match-up at Paulson.

We had some special visitors in town!

They got home right in time to catch Big Al's commercial running on TV Friday night.

Well things didn't go quite like we planned a couple of weeks ago at the Citadel. But, we are dusting off our feathers and moving on to another day, people!

This new day brings a new commercial and true to form, Big Al is pretty revved up about the whole thing.

After joyfully spending Saturday afternoon with a cute, squishy, and perfect new baby (and his sweet parents), I hit the road for Part Two of the weekend.

Britt, Earle, and Andrew just happen to live an hour or so from another sweet couple I ain't got nothin but love for.


Want to know something that never gets old?

The choices are:

A. When your dearest friends have a baby.

B. When you get to hold that fresh, new, snuggly baby boy for the first time.

C. Continuously asking - "Is it just me, or is this baby perfect?"



This week GSU is hitting the road to Charleston to take on The Citadel!

My co-worker and I were talking about how it's kind of hard to play the Citadel and be the obnoxious fans we love to be.

On the first day of September, there could only be one thing exciting enough to elicit such a big smile from the Debster.


We are single-handedly working our way down the list of (former) college girls and getting them all married off.

And we marked another lovely lady off last weekend.

It was this pretty girl's turn as bride so we traveled to Augusta on Friday afternoon to join in the festivities.

I could hardly believe it when I walked in my parents house the other day and saw this laying on the counter.

That familiar handwriting scrawled across that legal pad paper could only mean one thing:

He's back!

Let the games begin.................


I have a post in the works entitled: The Untold Stories of Summer.

Turns out Summer is busy, y'all. Busy at work, and busy at play.


Last December, I got together with my 2 college bffs and we started a new tradition. We've actually experienced a lot of new things since leaving college over six years ago.

New towns, new jobs, new marriages. This particular get-together was to celebrate another big first.


If there is anything we like to do around here it's laugh. Thankfully, we have funny characters on every corner - so it's easy to stay amused.

My sister-in-law and I find one another especially hilarious.


On Thursday, July 26th, I rolled into this old beach town.

All of my summers from childhood  to my early 20's were spent in St. Augustine, our very favorite of places.


A lot of wise decisions were made in the planning of our trip.

The decision to leave on Tuesday so that we'd have all day Wednesday to play was definitely on the list. Hotel and food choices were also on point, and all of this led up to us having an amazing time before the wedding.


I can say with a full heart and with full confidence that Day Three of our Arkansas Adventure would prove to be just as special and fun as Day One and Day Two. It was finally Thursday - WEDDING DAY.

Early morning tweets with pictures like this....


When my brother and Larsen started dating almost 5 years ago, it was pretty clear that she was going to bring a lot to our lives. And she most certainly has in more ways than could ever be expressed.


It was a long day of travel on Tuesday, and I woke up on Wednesday morning like a little kid on Christmas morning.

While stranded motionless the night before on the highway, Chad, Faith, and I gave each other props for having the wonderful idea of leaving on Tuesday.


Leading up to my trip, I would tell people I was traveling to Arkansas - and their first reaction was "Why?"

When I told people I was traveling to Arkansas by car, their second reaction was "WHY???"

My answer to their first "why" was very legit - a dear friend was getting married!

The answer to t


Over the past 5 days, there has been a LOT of this...

My sweet and funny friends and I traveled mile upon mile - and accumulated laugh upon laugh - as we made our way to see this girl...

Do THIS...

So many more pictures and stories to come, but for now - I'll leave you with this...


To answer the question on all our minds...I am alive! I am not sure what happened between my last post on April 11th and today, but sadly none of it made it to the blog. With no big events or road trips taking place this April, it's pretty much just been business as usual around here.


I may be single, but there is NO shortage of boys in my life. And they're all cute and they all have great personalities.

The first one is Jayce, my TWO YEAR OLD buddy, lovebug, and godson.

Yes, the little genius boy turned two last Saturday. I can't believe it.


Preceding our Easter Sunday was quite a lovely weekend. And I think that was due mostly because there was a quite a lovely girl who arrived on the doorstep Friday evening.


We had a very nice, low-key Easter. Because we were working with the physical limitations of a over-zealous tennis player with a broken knee cap and a pokey 90 year-old with a healthy amount of sass...we decided to go to early church.


Around here, 30th Birthday parties don't always turn out the way you plan. Well, as least for my dear sister-in-law, Larsen, that is.

The party Larsen planned for my brother's 30th Birthday Bash? I guess you could say that one had a small twist at the end.


Somebody in the picture above is turning the Big 3-0!

It's not the guy on the far left. He's been 30 for years (well almost 2). It's not the girl in the middle. She is just a kid! And it's definitely not those two geezers on the right. They can't even remember 30.

I joyfully spent this past weekend here:

I was invited by the Hagans to go to the lake for a weekend of a little work and a little play.


When I woke up yesterday morning and remembered that it was my birthday and that I was 28, I just shook my head back and forth. Twenty. Eight.

Because my everyday life is filled with many people who are at least 15+ years older than me, I obviously got no respect for my disbelief about my age.


Busy busy is the theme of weekends these days, and this past one was no different!

Saturday was filled with tons of different things, but it all ended with a leprechaun themed St. Patrick's Day evening at the Hagan abode.

We had faux leprechauns nestled atop St. Patty cookies.

This past week looked a little different than most. It's Spring Break here at our University and the students weren't the only ones getting out of town.


The next two pictures pretty accurately describe last weekend.

And honestly after using all of those cameras and lenses all weekend, I die a little inside just showing you the pics I took on my not-quite-as-beloved-as-it-once-was camera that lives in my purse.

My Photo
I am a 28. I have really funny parents, a loving brother, a darling sister-in-law, and more sweet and crazy friends than I have time to laugh at during the course of one day. (But I'm always willing to try). :-) I have found that there is never a dull moment around these parts, so I write long posts with lots of pictures in efforts to remember it all. It's not nearly perfect, but it's perfectly fun the majority of the time.
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