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A year in the making.
It's almost been a whole year since I've written on this blog of mine.
As my fingers are touching the keys, it feels good. REAL good actually.
Day-old Delaware Chickens Delaware's real estate in the day-old delaware chickens in Delaware. The Division of Corporations. This might take from a variety of economic communities...
eleven months
dear declan,
my sweet eleven month old...almost one year old! how is that? this month
you have mastered crawling. it's a whole new world for both of ...
Please meet my daughters. On August 11, 2015 Paul and I became the legal and forever father and mother to our two daughters, Bridgett (age 6) and Breonna (age 10). I would like to ...
out of all the world, i am so thankful you three live with us.
your wonder, insight, laughter, and minds are a gift.
i thank God he made each of you specifi...
Monday Encouragement
[image: jesus storybook]
Forgive the terrible quality of this picture. I took it on my phone
straight out of the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jo...
Boxing on Sundays This is a post for my imaginary pastor's wife friends in cyberspace. I don't know your names or faces but I feel like I know you. And you know me. Some day...
Are you still here? I'm not. I've moved to www.AngelaNazworth.com please come over to see me.
Going Private Due to some privacy concerns, I have decided to make this blog available to family and friends only (this means you, too, heart friends). I will continue t...
Fashion Friday: Edition I’m so tired of packing a suitcase I can’t remember the last week I had where I didn’t have to pack a suitcase and go somewhere. And while it has all been so fun, I still have, lo, even more...
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 433 This week Melanie and I discuss our texting needs from people who aren’t Enneagram 9s (just FYI: “Ok” as a response means we’re going to think we’re in a f...
Situs Judi Bola Minimal Deposit 25000 fanny bermuka masam serta merintih menahan rasa sakit pada vaginanya, sekalipun sudah enggak putri lagi lantaran suah separuh kali melakukan ikatan gende...
Day 2 Sorry for the delay in updating about Emma Kate. It is much more difficult to take time to gather thoughts and type this time around. Simply because Emma...
La Salvation
This story starts way back before I had many other stories. Just about the
time I was handed a journal with my name embossed in gold on the right
That I may walk before the Lord...
*Note: *This post is extremely long. like way, way, way long ok. I wrote it
for me. It's about my dad dying. Do not feel obligated to read ok. I just
Six Years I'm reminded of it every day, knowing how radically different the past six years could have been without the gift of Tricia's first donor. Should your fam...
Thanksgiving and a Question I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Wednesday afternoon W. and I will hop on a plane and fly to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my mom....
Woo Pig SOOIE! Razorbacks! Arkansas! Flag!
My mom bought the girls a new Razorback cheerleading outfit this week.
Luckily we actually have something to cheer about. Our basketball hogs have
been doi...
Daddy/Daughter Dance
On February 24th, Derek took Ella Grace to their first Daddy/Daughter
dance. It was at our church. Derek said they danced every dance except two.
Ella Gra...
Ella's 6th Bday!
Ella turned 6 on February 15 and we had a fabulous day!!!
Every year, I take a picture of Ella the last night she is a year younger.
So this is her last ...
January 2025- A lesson in hope I was not raised in a church-going home. My attendance at my hometown Baptist church was a result of accompanying my heartbroken grandmother, who was rec...
Love notes.
*Hello February and fresh starts! I love new beginnings and today is what I
have termed it a "grace day" at my house because it's Monday and school ...
New Baby and Happy Homecoming
I wanted to write a new post while it is still fresh on my mind! We had
quite the week-end.
I arrived the day before the new baby was to come to help with...
Celebrate Come on and Celebrate!!
To celebrate Gracie's Adoption Day, we had a pool party in July 2010. My
former boss opened their backyard and beautiful pool for us to use. Gracie
has gro...
Holding Fast to God’s Promises (Parenting isn’t for the weak) We were swimming in large pool. I thought I was going to be teaching Cohen to swim, but as it turned out, he was already a great swimmer. He dove to the bo...
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
New Adventure I keep trying to think of a way to tie this blog up all pretty in a bow...and I just can't seem to come up with a way to do so properly. With all that's go...
Do QR Codes Expire? Understanding the Lifespan of Quick Response Codes QR codes have become an integral part of our daily lives, from marketing and advertising to inventory management and mobile payments. These square, grid-li...
Our church had a day camp one week in July. Drew and Emma Kate had a lot
of fun! It was so well organized and full of great activities!
The last nig...
10 historical fiction books for kids 8-12 “History is boring!” they say. Yeah, it definitely can be. But it’s way more interesting when it’s told as a story set in a certain period of history. In h...
interview with cnn & maddy’s first race. here’s a little interview i did with cnn for father’s day. also, this past weekend the liz logelin foundation held it’s annual 5k/10k/fun run in a heavily ...
by Jason Morant
There's so much more to You
Than I can even try to understand
But that won's stop me now
From emptying myself into Your hands
All ...
MiMi's Chocolate Sour Cream Pound Cake
*My granddaughter's birthday was this past weekend and she decided she
wanted a "home-made" Chocolate Sour Cream Pound Cake for her birthday cake.
I had...
Let's Pick Up Where We Left Off..
Where has the time gone? I cannot believe that the last time I posted was
on May 18th!! And to think, I had such high expectations on that date,
that I w...
Just For A Day
This photo was taken 15 years ago, in 2009.
Claire took this photo with my laptop
with the boys crowded around her.
They were probably playing a game on ...
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I swear, I s...
Harvey Dent {07/21/2013 - 06/10/2024}
I know I said I was going to do a weekly check in on this blog & then
stopped around the end of March. That's really when the wheels started to
I Heard an Old, Old Story I feel like telling a story. I would make one up, but there’s this old one that’s my very favorite. Every time I hear it, each time I tell it, I’m struck b...
Last 4 days in Romania… Hey guys! I am so sorry that it has been a few days since I’ve been able to post. I had all intentions of posting something Friday night before going to be...
Kellogg's Cereal in a Cup- a Busy Mom's Dream!
As a working Mom with 7-year-old quadruplets, I am constantly looking for
ways to make life easier! (As you can imagine!)
Most mornings, the Stee...
Still Here!
Hello dear blog friends! It has been a minute since I've stopped by here
and poured myself some coffee while I sat at this keyboard to chat. I can't
The Garth Brooks Dilemma. I won’t ever win a humility contest. I don’t know if they have those, giving someone an award for being humble, probably defeats the purpose of humility....
A little of this and a little of that
*This post is all over the place with updates. I apologize in advance for
any grammatical errors or run on sentences I'm notorious for! :)*
A lot of waiti...
On March 27 we put our house on the market.
We had 9 showings in 7 days and a contract on the 8th day. It all happened
so fast! What's even wilder is tha...
Bumps in the Flight I hate flying. Before college I had only flown once. During college I started flying more for various trips, and each time I flew I hated it. I simply tho...
We're Moving!! Well, I'm sure you are thinking this blog looks the exact same. One of the changes that we decided to make is our blog address. I reserved this new address...
Polka Dot Love from shopriffraff.com
Happy Sunday, friends!
I wanted to share some of the SUPER CUTE polka dot items that I am loving
from Riffraff right now.
The Dot By Dot headbands are so...
Eight Years Later, Changes From the very beginning of Blueprint 58, we agreed that our tip-top goal was listening to our neighbors and what they *actually* needed, rather than just ...
Stopping In To Say...
Beginning tomorrow, March 3, this blog will be at http://traviscottrell.com/.
Please change your RSS feeds. And come see our new home tomorrow!
Woo hoo!...
Sneak Peek
Whew...what a weekend!
I have lots to update about - showers, babymoon, etc - but those posts will
come later.
This weekend my Dad & Mark came in town to ...
Let me just wipe the dust off this old blog. Goodness. It's been a while.
First things first, I have become addicted to Hawaii Five-O. Like
New Website! My blog has moved to my new website! *I hope you will subscribe to my RSS feed at the new site and continue to read my blog, poetry and especially some of ...
Christmas Card Carousel 2015!
Welcome to the Christmas Card Carousel! For eight years we have been
sharing our Christmas cards through this fun link-up. I look forward to
this every Dec...
on the eve of kindergarten, take 2 so. i never blog anymore. i own it. sometimes i get really sad that it just doesn't happen anymore. because i miss that a lot of our memories aren't ca...